Glaucoma Testing

Glaucoma is the term used for eye disorders in which the optic nerves are damaged, resulting in loss of vision if neglected. The earlier the condition is detected and treated, the better for the patient, owing to which regular eye health exams, which includes glaucoma testing for patients above the age of 40, are highly recommended.

It is recommended that you have your eyes examined on a regular basis, once every 2 – 4 years before you turn 40, once every 1 – 3 years if you are in the age group of 40 – 54, one every 1 – 2 years if you are in the age group of 55 – 64, and once every 6 – 12 months if you are above 65. If you are found to be at high risk for glaucoma, you should get a glaucoma test done once in 1 – 2 years after the age of 35.

Glaucoma has to be taken seriously because it can lead to vision loss if neglected. There is no way to restore vision lost because of glaucoma.


In the initial stages, glaucoma has no symptoms. Patients feel no pain and enjoy normal vision. If the condition is neglected, patients will start losing their peripheral vision until they develop tunnel vision, which decreases with time till they can see no more.

Detecting Glaucoma

Doctors conduct a variety of eye tests to detect glaucoma. Usually glaucoma testing includes a test of visual accuracy to determine how well the patient can see at certain distances. A visual field test is also conducted to measure peripheral vision so that the eye doctor can ascertain whether the patient has lost any peripheral vision due to glaucoma.

A dilated eye examination is also done, during which the patient’s eyes are first dilated by administering certain drops so that the eye care specialist can examine his/her optic nerves or retina. If you undergo a dilated eye examination, you will not be able to see clearly for a few hours after it.

A technique called tonometry is also used to measure intraocular pressure, which determines the presence or absence of glaucoma. Pachymetry is yet another technique used by eye care specialists to determine corneal thickness. The doctor first administers numbing eye drops and then uses special ultrasonic wave equipment to determine the thickness of the patient’s cornea.

Our Glaucoma Testing Services

We at Eye Pracice have the latest and most sophisticated glaucoma testing tools and equipment, which have completely revolutionized the way in which glaucoma is tested.

We use a wide range of equipment and techniques for glaucoma testing. For instance, we use both tonometry and pachymetry to find out intraocular pressure and thickness of the cornea, respectively.

We also carefully consider risk factors such as individual medical history, history of genetic disorders, age, thickness of the cornea, and intraocular pressure to find out if you are at risk for glaucoma. We also take the trouble of explaining the results of your glaucoma test so that you thoroughly understand your eye health condition.